
Warhammer 40k eldar tactics
Warhammer 40k eldar tactics

warhammer 40k eldar tactics warhammer 40k eldar tactics

They can roll on Divination, Telepathy and Runes of Fate and mix any or all of the trees together. They are the essential force mulitplier as Fortune and Guide can now be cast on Battle Brothers. If you do not have a Farseer in your army then stop playing Eldar and go to Dark Eldar. Nice! Put him in a unit of Shining Spears to make sure of Hit and Run. Banshee Mask means that if you manage to win combat, you will pretty much guarantee to catch the fleeing unit or if you lose, escape. Not game changing but the more hits the better. If you chose Mandiblasters then the Autarch will firstly have 2 str3 auto hits at Initiative 10. Jetbike + Banshee Mask/Mandiblasters + Laser Lance. Hilarious combo of zooming around, re-rolling cover saves and smashing up opponents in challenges with a small chance of coming back to life even when killed!ģ. Jetbike + Banshee Mask + Mantle of the Laughing God + Phoenix Gem + Shard of Anaris. Charge in with Str4 AP3, hopefully waste a few guys and then hit and run back out.Ģ. Very fast unit (although you do run the risk of randomly losing your Autarch if you manage to roll a double). Warp Jump Generator + Banshee mask + Power lance attached to a unit of Warp Spiders. Has the option of taking most weapons and items from the Remnants of Glory. Mandiblasters nerfed the combat Autarch a bit so I would roll with a Banshee mask instead. Path of the strategy is ok but not really worth an investment when the opportunity cost for taking him over a Farseer is to high. Also, without assault grenades he is striking last when charging into cover but this shouldn't be to much of a problem (although do not assault a unit full of force weapons).īarry G: Avatar can take fast shot. The only problem is his invul save only being 5+ and having no eternal warrior (watch out for force weapons!). I would roll with Crushing Blow just for the extra stength. He can handle himself in combat and can even take Exarch upgrades. If you are playing a foot list, this guy is your go to HQ. Nice! He gained fleet in the new addition which makes him even more frightening. Impressive state line, makes all Eldar unit's within 12" fearless and is pretty much Immune to all melta and fire weaponry. Do you want psychic power support? Do you want to play something fun? Fluffy? Combat based? Or a mixture of all? Well lets see. As with any army, choosing the HQ depends on what role you wish your army to play.

Warhammer 40k eldar tactics